This week’s post is actually is a DIY I created back in September, right before the weather got cold and I didn’t get the chance to shoot it. But now that it’s summer, it’s kind of the perfect time to share this linen crop top I made!

The Original Look:

I made this top as part of lengha for a wedding I attended. For those of you who don’t know what a lengha is, you can check out some other versions I’ve made here and here to get a better idea. What’s cool about this is that I can wear it many ways:

  1. as South Asian wear
  2. if I drop the shawl, it becomes western summer wear
  3. or just like in this post, mix-and-matching the top (or skirt)

Here is the original look:


The entire look above used about 2.5m of linen from Fabricland, but I probably used less than 1/2m to make this top. It was only $5/m (cha-ching!) which should be no surprise to you by now because I’m such a stickler for never buying anything at full price as you may have seen in my other posts!

Pattern & Construction:

This is a major modification using my trusty Simplicity 1873 bodice. I basically used it just to get the sizing correct but I pretty much changed the entire look. I swear, I’ve hacked this pattern a million times over and have only ever made the bodice correctly once (I’ve never even made the skirt!) otherwise it ends up looking like this, this or this!

Below is a drawing on how I altered the pattern to get the look I was going for. The grey is the original pattern, the rainbow is how I cut it:

Zipper & Straps:

The zipper is my favourite part of this top. I had it adjusted to it’s current size months before knowing I wanted to make this top. So technically, I made the back of this crop top to match the size of the zipper. To make the straps, I used method 1 from this sweet tutorial.

Final Thoughts:

While I love this crop and how it turned out, I think the only adjustment I’d made in the future is adding bra cups to the inside so I don’t have to wear a strapless. Cuz…strapless bras suck lol. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this make – leave your comments below!



Photos: Padmanie M.
Denim Jacket: H&M | Skirt: My Grama’s 🙂
Location: Toronto Harbourfront



  1. I love it…thanks for sharing the pattern:) I will be picking S1873 pattern up during the next sale!

    • Sharadha Reply

      That’s so great! I’m so glad I can inspire! thanks for the love <3

  2. I love the matching pieces worn together and I’m so impressed at how good you are at modifying a pattern to create the exact look you’re going for.

    • Sharadha Reply

      hey there! this top has no lining in it as it was a very quick and last minute make.

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